MS4 Program - Public Education and Outreach

Franklin's MS4 program is dedicated to educating the public about storm water runoff and water quality issues associated with it. Water conservation education is also a part of the MS4 Program. Education and outreach is provided to our residents and businesses through various opportunities and free of charge.


Keep Franklin Clean - Help Stop Water Pollution


Johnson County Partnership for Water Quality -


The City of Franklin's MS4 Program is part of the Johnson County Partnership for Water Quality. The Partnership consists of 20 Johnson County MS4 communities and agencies.  It provides assistance to MS4s in their public education and outreach efforts while producing a consistent and county-wide message on storm water management.


Powerpoint Presentation - Stormwater


Education Outreach Opportunities

Classroom Water Quality and Conservation Opportunities

The Franklin MS4 Program is committed to providing quality storm water and water conservation education opportunities to every student in the Franklin school system.  

Water Cycle Presentation
Thirstin's Water Cycle

Through collaborative efforts with neighboring MS4 communities and various other entities, we offer fun and creative activities for the classroom to foster awareness and good stewardship in our youth.

World Monitoring Challenge

For information or to schedule an activity in your classroom please contact the MS4 Coordinator.


Need a Speaker for Your Civic Organization?

The MS4 Program invites the opportunity to speak with your civic groups.  Presentations can be scheduled by contacting the MS4 Coordinator.

Franklin Public Education Presentation

"E.coli" - in my Water!  What does that mean to me?

Trees and Stormwater Presentation