Voluntary Title VI Public Involvement Survey

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Voluntary Title VI Public Involvement Survey

Description: As a recipient of federal funds, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is requiring local agencies to develop a procedure for gathering statistical data regarding participants and beneficiaries of its federal-aid highway programs and activities (23 CRF §200.9(b)(4)). The City of Franklin, Indiana is distributing this voluntary survey to fulfill that requirement to gather information about the populations affected by proposed projects. You are not required to complete this survey. Submittal of this information is voluntary. This form is a public document that the City of Franklin, Indiana will use to monitor its programs and activities for compliance with Title VI and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended and its related statutes and regulations. If you have any questions regarding the City of Franklin, Indiana’s responsibilities under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Joanna Myers, Title VI Coordinator, City Hall, 70 East Monroe Street, Franklin, Indiana 46131; jmyers@franklin.in.gov; 317-736-3631
Gender Identity:*
Racial Identity: (Check all That Apply)*
Household Income:*