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Technical Review Committee

February 20, 2025 at 02:00 PM

City Hall  (view map)
70 E. Monroe St
Franklin, IN 46131


The Technical Review Committee will meet in the Council Chambers (first floor) to review the following:

  1. PC-25-2 (SPR): FCSC Earlywood Pre-School
    Applicant: Franklin Community School Corporation
    Location: 500 Earlywood Drive
    Zoning: IN (Institutional)
    Request: Site Development Plan
    Documents: PC-25-2 Plans & Supporting Documents (go to Files tab)

  2. PC-25-4 (SPR): O'Mara Equipment & Storage Yard
    Applicant: Dave O'Mara Contractors, Inc.
    Location: 597 Johnson Avenue
    Zoning: IBD (Industrial: Business Development)
    Request: Site Development Plan
    Documents: PC-25-4 Plans & Supporting Documents (go to Files tab)

  3. PC-25-5 (SPR): Marathon Gas Station
    Applicant: Pjay Three Inc.
    Location: 50 S. Morton Street
    Zoning: MXC (Mixed Use: Community Center) & GW-OL (Gateway Overlay)
    Request: Site Development Plan
    Documents: PC-25-5 Plans & Supporting Documents (go to Files tab)

  4. PC-25-6 (FP): Kingsbridge, Sec. 4
    Applicant: Kingsbridge Developer, LLC
    Location: 15.9 acres west of Kingsbridge, Sec. 1 and south of Park Forest (Whiteland)
    Zoning: PUD (Planned Unit Development)
    Request: Secondary Plat & Construction Plans
    Documents: PC-25-6 Plans & Supporting Documents (go to Files tab)

  5. PC-25-7 (FP): Commerce Point
    Applicant: PAD Commercial LLC
    Location: 2490 N. Morton Street
    Zoning: MXC (Mixed Use: Community Center) & GW-OL (Gateway Overlay)
    Request: Secondary Plat & Construction Plans
    Documents: PC-25-7 Plans & Supporting Documents (go to Files tab)

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if anyone wishes to attend the public meeting on the above referenced matter and is in need of reasonable accommodations in order to attend, hear, or present evidence at the public meeting on this matter, for accommodations contact the Planning & Engineering 70 E. Monroe Street Franklin, IN 46131 317-736-3631.