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Board of Public Works & Safety Agenda

December 16, 2024 at 05:00 PM

City Hall  (view map)
70 E. Monroe St
Franklin, IN 46131


  1. Call to Order and Roll Call

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Announcements & Public Comments

  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from December 2, 2024
      Documents: Board of Works Minutes 12/02/24

    2. Approval of Claims

  5. Old Business

  6. New Business
    1. Request renewal of Darktrace network cybersecurity platform - Director of Technology Rick Littleton
      Documents: Reservation and Product Order Form

    2. Request approval of Taser 10 Quote - Police Chief Kirby Cochran
      Documents: FPD T10 Quote

    3. Request acceptance of quotes for City Hall Flooring - Chief of Staff Tara Payne
      Documents: Quote Breakdown

    4. Request approval and execution of Change Order 02 for the Graham Road and Earlywood Drive Intersection Improvements Project - City Engineer Mark Richards
      Documents: Change Order 02

    5. Request approval and execution of Change Orders 4 and 5 for the East Jefferson Street Sidewalk Project - City Engineer Mark Richards
      Documents: Change Order 4/Change Order 5

    6. Request approval of Change Order 08 for the Active Adult Center Project - City Engineer Mark Richards
      Documents: Change Order 08

    7. Request the following Performance Letters of Credit & Subdivision Performance Surety Agreements be released for Bluffs at Youngs Creek, Sec. 1 & Sec. 2 - Assistant City Engineer Matt McElroy
      Performance – Sec. 1:
      LOC # 6297-10-3: Earthwork & Erosion Control - $297,840.00
      LOC # 6297-10-8: Pond Liner - $53,880.00
      Performance – Sec. 2:
      LOC # 6297-20-3: Earthwork & Erosion Control - $347,858.16
      Request the following Subdivision Maintenance Bonds and Surety Agreements be accepted for Bluffs at Youngs Creek, Sec. 1 & Sec. 2:
      Maintenance – Sec. 1:
      #47SUR300214011057: Earthwork & Erosion Control - $74,460.00
      #47SUR300214011058: Pond Liner - $13,470.00
      Maintenance – Sec. 2:
      #47SUR300214011059: Earthwork & Erosion Control - $86,964.54
      Documents: Subdivision Maintenance Bonds

    8. Request acceptance of bids for Paul Hand Boulevard Roadway Improvements Project - Assistant City Engineer Matt McElroy
      Documents: Bid Tabulation/Award Recommendation Letter

    9. Request the following Performance Bonds & Subdivision Performance Surety Agreements be accepted for Winterfield, Sec. 1 - Assistant City Engineer Matt McElroy
      Performance – Sec. 1:
      0266195: Earthwork - $131,760.00
      0266196: Plantings & Mounding - $146,928.00
      0266197: Sanitary Sewers - $478,617.00
      0266198: Storm sewers, swales & underdrains - $867,401.76
      0266199: Streets - $1,230,429.00
      0266200: Sidewalks - $117,784.80
      0266201: Survey Monuments - $22,020.00
      Documents: Subdivision Performance Bonds & Agreements

    10. Approval and acceptance of Secondary Plat for Winterfield, Section 1 - Senior Planner Joanna Tennell
      Documents: Reservation Form

    11. Request acceptance of quotes for the Young's Creek Pickleball Courts Lighting Project, and award of contract to Huston Electric, Inc. - Mayor's Youth Leadership Council
      Documents: Quote Tabulation/Construction Contract

  7. Other Business
    1. Request Disposal of Salvage Equipment - Director of Technology Rick Littleton
      Documents: Equipment List

  8. Department Reports

  9. Adjournment

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if anyone wishes to attend the public meeting on the above referenced matter and is in need of reasonable accommodations in order to attend, hear, or present evidence at the public meeting on this matter, for accommodations contact the Mayor's Office 70 E. Monroe Street Franklin, IN 46131 317-736-3602.