
Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Announcements & Public Comments
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from December 2, 2024
      Documents: Board of Works Minutes 12/02/24
    2. Approval of Claims
  5. Old Business
  6. New Business
    1. Request renewal of Darktrace network cybersecurity platform - Director of Technology Rick Littleton
      Documents: Reservation and Product Order Form
    2. Request approval of Taser 10 Quote - Police Chief Kirby Cochran
      Documents: FPD T10 Quote
    3. Request acceptance of quotes for City Hall Flooring - Chief of Staff Tara Payne
      Documents: Quote Breakdown
    4. Request approval and execution of Change Order 02 for the Graham Road and Earlywood Drive Intersection Improvements Project - City Engineer Mark Richards
      Documents: Change Order 02
    5. Request approval and execution of Change Orders 4 and 5 for the East Jefferson Street Sidewalk Project - City Engineer Mark Richards
      Documents: Change Order 4/Change Order 5
    6. Request approval of Change Order 08 for the Active Adult Center Project - City Engineer Mark Richards
      Documents: Change Order 08
    7. Request the following Performance Letters of Credit & Subdivision Performance Surety Agreements be released for Bluffs at Youngs Creek, Sec. 1 & Sec. 2 - Assistant City Engineer Matt McElroy
      Performance – Sec. 1:
      LOC # 6297-10-3: Earthwork & Erosion Control - $297,840.00
      LOC # 6297-10-8: Pond Liner - $53,880.00
      Performance – Sec. 2:
      LOC # 6297-20-3: Earthwork & Erosion Control - $347,858.16
      Request the following Subdivision Maintenance Bonds and Surety Agreements be accepted for Bluffs at Youngs Creek, Sec. 1 & Sec. 2:
      Maintenance – Sec. 1:
      #47SUR300214011057: Earthwork & Erosion Control - $74,460.00
      #47SUR300214011058: Pond Liner - $13,470.00
      Maintenance – Sec. 2:
      #47SUR300214011059: Earthwork & Erosion Control - $86,964.54
      Documents: Subdivision Maintenance Bonds
    8. Request acceptance of bids for Paul Hand Boulevard Roadway Improvements Project - Assistant City Engineer Matt McElroy
      Documents: Bid Tabulation/Award Recommendation Letter
    9. Request the following Performance Bonds & Subdivision Performance Surety Agreements be accepted for Winterfield, Sec. 1 - Assistant City Engineer Matt McElroy
      Performance – Sec. 1:
      0266195: Earthwork - $131,760.00
      0266196: Plantings & Mounding - $146,928.00
      0266197: Sanitary Sewers - $478,617.00
      0266198: Storm sewers, swales & underdrains - $867,401.76
      0266199: Streets - $1,230,429.00
      0266200: Sidewalks - $117,784.80
      0266201: Survey Monuments - $22,020.00
      Documents: Subdivision Performance Bonds & Agreements
    10. Approval and acceptance of Secondary Plat for Winterfield, Section 1 - Senior Planner Joanna Tennell
      Documents: Reservation Form
    11. Request acceptance of quotes for the Young's Creek Pickleball Courts Lighting Project, and award of contract to Huston Electric, Inc. - Mayor's Youth Leadership Council
      Documents: Quote Tabulation/Construction Contract
  7. Other Business
    1. Request Disposal of Salvage Equipment - Director of Technology Rick Littleton
      Documents: Equipment List
  8. Department Reports
  9. Adjournment