
Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Announcements & Public Comments
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from November 18, 2024
      Documents: Board of Works Minutes 11/18/24
    2. Approval of Claims
  5. Old Business
  6. New Business
    1. Request for approval of Veteran's Alley sculptures and Expo Art contract - Community Development Specialist Dana Monson
      Documents: Memo/Expo Arts Contract and COL/Veterans Alley Renderings
    2. Request approval of Resolution 2024-06 Approving and Adopting the City of Franklin Employee Handbook - Clerk-Treasurer Jan Jones
      Documents: Resolution 2024-06 | Employee Handbook
    3. Approval to trade-in 9 office chairs to Kelly Promotional Products for an allowance towards the purchase of 5 new office chairs - Senior Planner Joanna Tennell
      Documents: Quote - Kelly Promotional Products
    4. For Informational Purposes: Ordinance 2024-12: Amending General Provisions, Building Sewers & Connections, and Rates & Charges Related to the Sewer Service System - Senior Planner Joanna Tennell
      Documents: Ordinance 2024-12
  7. Other Business
  8. Department Reports
  9. Adjournment