Uniform Division

Officer Badge
The Franklin Police Department's Uniform division is comprised of 40 full time sworn officers. All officers are highly trained and adept in responding to emergent and non-emergent calls for service. The Uniform Division is the backbone of all law enforcement agencies. They are the first to respond to calls for service within the city. Being the largest division and the most visible, their job is to provide primary law enforcement services to the public twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year. The Uniform Division is made up of 4 shifts, each shift has 1 Lieutenant, 2 Sergeants and 5-6 Officers assigned. 
Bike Patrol: The Franklin Police Department Bike Patrol is comprised of seven full time officers. The goal is to find a balance between public relations and law enforcement. Bike Patrol provides a great tool to interact with the community in a positive manner, as well as being very effective in crime reduction. Bike Patrol is utilized during parades, festivals, in high crime areas and routine patrol. 
K-9: The Franklin Police Department has 4 K-9 teams. It not only take a specially qualified dog to preform the tasks of a police K-9, but is also takes the right handler. Each of the 4 dogs are paired with a handler that is responsible for taking care of the K-9 that they are assigned.  Our K-9 teams train 12 hours each month, as well as throughout their shifts. The K-9's are utilized in locating narcotics, tracking, apprehensions, article search and recovery, searches for missing or endangered persons, public relations and handler protection.
Negotiators: The Franklin Police Department has 3 negotiators. These 3 officers are highly trained individuals who attempt to talk people out of creating or maintaining dangerous situations. These officers have been chosen specifically because they have the unique ability to communicate to person under intense and unpredictable conditions. Negotiators work and train with the SWAT Team. Each member receives intense training specializing in tactics of negotiations. The members of the team are used for potentially suicidal subjects, hostage situations, barricaded subjects and other intense circumstances. Their overall mission is a peaceful crisis resolution. 
SWAT: The Franklin Police Department has 4 officers that are members of the Johnson County SWAT team. SWAT team members undergo a physical fitness test, tryout and interview process for selection and retention on the team. SWAT members are highly equipped and trained to assist the uniform divisions within Johnson County with incidents that are known to increase risk to officer safety. SWAT is called upon for instances such as: high risk warrants, suicidal persons, hostage situations and situations in which negotiations fail. Team members train approximately 144 hours per year. These officers are trained to provide tactical resolutions in high risk situations. 
EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal): The Franklin Police Department has 1 member of the Johnson County EOD team. This individual undergoes specialized training to handle hazardous explosive devices and render them safe. The EOD team members train approximately 144 hours per year. 
Honor Guard: Honor Guard is a ceremonial unit comprised of 5 sworn members of the Franklin Police Department. The members are highly motivated and maintain high standards of appearance, conduct and show aptitude for ceremonial duties. Honor Guard members represent the department at public events, sporting events, fallen funerals and memorial services throughout the state of Indiana. 
The Franklin Police Department understands that training, done properly, is a major factor in keeping officers safe, out of litigation, compliant to state statutes and up to date with evolving laws and tactics.  Because of those reasons, the Franklin Police Department goes above and beyond the state mandated training hours.  We utilize a variety of training methods including online training, in house training by certified specialized instructors and specialized instructors for various courses outside of our agency.  In addition to specialized experts in various fields to conduct training, the Franklin Police Department utilizes a state-of-the-art use of force simulator that recognizes pistol, Taser, baton, and OC spray use, as well as the ability to properly talk someone into compliance without having to use force.     


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