
All Gun Permit applicants are required to obtain electronic fingerprints. Applicants may do so by scheduling an appointment during the online gun permit application process or after they have completed the application process, here.

Frequently asked questions about the services provided by the Franklin Police Department Records Division:
  • What is the cost to obtain or re-new a handgun permit? Must reside within the city limits of Franklin.  Click here for current fee schedule.
  • What is the cost of a copy of an accident or incident report? Accident report - $5 | Incident report - $.10/pp
  • What is the cost of a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) inspection? $5 - Inspection needed when vehicle title purchased out-of-state.
  • What is the cost of fingerprinting services for a job application or other purpose? $5
  • What is the cost to obtain a Limited Criminal History (Background Check)? $7
  • How do I pay these fees? Cash, Money Order or Debit/Credit Card.  Debit/Credit Cards will be assessed a small fee.

*The Franklin Police Department cannot answer questions or accept fines or fees for Franklin City Court. The Franklin City Court staff can be reached by calling (317)736-3619.


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