About Us
Nick Millspaugh Victoria Ratliff
Recreation & Events Marketing & Communications
Alfonso Andolz, Aquatics Coordinator
Curtis Rooks, Facility Maintenance Supervisor
Terry Moss, Park Maintenance Supervisor - Business Services
Comprehensive Plan

Click here to view the 2013 Comprehensive Plan
The 2013 City of Franklin Comprehensive Plan has been officially adopted by the Franklin Common Council on October 7, 2013.
CD-ROM copies of the plan are available at the Department of Community Development or a fee of $10.00. Contact by phone at: 317-736-3631 or 877-736-3631 by Mail at: 70 E. Monroe Street, Franklin, IN 46131 or by email at mailto:klinke@franklin.in.gov.
Thank you for your continued interest in the City of Franklin Planning Process.
Board of Public Works and Safety
The Board of Public Works & Safety oversees a variety of tasks within the City of Franklin including Public Works, Engineering, Economic Development, Planning and Public Safety services.
Steve Barnett, Chairman
Accounts Payable
Board of Zoning Appeals
The Franklin City Board of Zoning Appeals shall hear and decide all petitions involving appeals of administrative decisions, special exceptions, use variances, and variances from developmental standards. The duties of the BZA are to hear and determine appeals from and review the following:
- Any order, requirements, decision or determination made by an administrative official, hearing officer, or staff member under the Zoning Ordinance;
- Any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative board or other body except a Plan Commission in relation to the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance; or
- Any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative board or other body except a Plan Commission in relation to the enforcement or regulation adopted under Chapter 8 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the procurement of an improvement location (building) or occupancy permit.
- (IC 36-7-4-918.2) The BZA shall approve or deny all special exceptions from the terms of the Zoning Ordinance.
- (IC 36-7-4-918.4) The BZA shall approve or deny variances of use from the terms of the Zoning Ordinance.
- (IC 36-7-4-918.5) The BZA shall approve or deny variances from the developmental standards (such as height, bulk, or area) of the Zoning Ordnance.
Franklin City Board of Zoning Appeals information as established in Indiana Code 36-7-4-901, in conjunction with the Franklin City Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 10 "Board of Zoning Appeals & Enforcement"
Accounts Receivable
Active Adult Center
Open Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm
If you need transportation, please call Johnson County Senior Services (317-738-4544), one of the many agencies that partner with the AAC to help make our center one of the best around.
If Franklin Community Schools close due to weather, the Active Adult Center closes as well.
Click here for the most recent Newsletter
Code Enforcement
If there is a concern with the condition of a property or to report a public nuisance you have encountered in the City, you may contact the Code Compliance Official directly at (317) 736-3660 or report the concern HERE. If you are wishing to report an abandoned or junk vehicle please click here.
Building Permits and Inspections - City of Franklin, Indiana
Call before you dig: Homeowners can now call 811 instead of the full 800-382-5544 number. For more information visit www.indiana811.org
To start a permit application for the CITY OF FRANKLIN, INDIANA click HERE.
Inspections are scheduled on the permitting portal; you must be logged into your account and schedule the inspection directly in your Building Permit record.
City of Franklin Fee Schedule (Effective Date 11/01/2009; updated 07/13/2021)
Permits MUST be posted on all job sites, and once windows are installed, the permit must be placed in a window, visible from the street.
All building inspections must be scheduled with the Department of Planning & Economic Development at least one (1) business day before the inspection is to be conducted. Inspections will not be scheduled for more than five (5) days in advance. Footing inspections can be scheduled for a set time, but all other types of inspections are scheduled by the day. The following is a list of required inspections for construction projects within the City of Franklin.
The footing inspection must be completed after the trench is dug, but BEFORE concrete is poured. |
The underslab inspection must be completed after all the plumbing, electrical, and / or HVAC has been roughed but BEFORE the slab is poured. |
This inspection includes structural, electrical, and plumbing. The inspection should take place after the roof, interior framing, exterior framing, plumbing lines are installed, all electrical boxes are set and wire is set BEFORE drywall and insulation is installed. |
BEFORE drywall is hung. |
After all improvements have been installed, but BEFORE occupancy of the structure. |
For sewer connection inspections, call the Department of Public Works at 317.736.3640
Permitting Portal - City of Franklin
Sister City
View 2017 Video Wrap-Up
Representatives from our sister city (Kuji, Japan) spent a week in Franklin during the month of January 2017.
In October of 1960, a sister city bond was established via Mayor Frank S. Records of Franklin, Indiana and Mayor Gyobun Yamauchi, Mayor of Kuji, Japan. A Franklin College graduate and childhood resident of Franklin, Miss Thomasine Allen had traveled to Japan to pursue Christian missionary work. After teaching in various locations in Japan for several years from 1915, she found her way to Kuji, Japan in 1938 and spent the rest of her life in Kuji (with the exception of repatriation during WWII). She dedicated her time to establishing Christian facilities in Kuji including a kindergarten, hospital, church and college. Upon establishment of the sister city relationship, Thomasine Allen was voted by the City Council of Kuji to be an honorary citizen of the city.
DPW Customer Service
A Message from the City of Franklin
Department of Public Works.......
Welcome from the employees of the Department of Public Works. It is with great pride that we serve the citizens of Franklin. Whether it's safely collecting, treating and disposing of wastewater, maintaining roads and traffic signals/signs, collecting and disposing of garbage, recycling, or engineering new projects - Public Works touches the lives of all the citizens in the City in many ways. We at the Department of Public Works are committed to providing the highest quality service to you our customers. With you as our partner, we will continue to strive for excellence.
Help us serve you better......
We welcome your feedback. If you have a concern with our service please let us know. If you've had a good experience with our Department, please share it with us. The information you provide helps us to serve our customers better in the future.
General Information:
Utility Billing Information:
Bulk Item Trash Service, Recycling Information, Trash Collection:
Streets, Signs, Storm Drains, Leaf/Brush Collection:
24-hour EMERGENCY service for wastewater:
After 4:00 p.m., weekends and holiday EMERGENCY service for storm drains and roads:
For WEEKDAY EMERGENCIES (between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) involving storm drains, roads, or traffic lights/signs, please call:
Solid Waste / Recycling
The City of Franklin Department of Public Works outsources the collection of solid waste/trash and recycling services within the community. Any missed collection or complaints within the city limits may be reported by calling Waste Management at 1-800-531-6752. Missed collection will be serviced no later than the following day.
For additional residential recycling services or disposal options (such as electronics or household chemicals) outside of regular City of Franklin trash and recycling services, please contact:
Johnson County Recycling District
Franklin Mayor's Youth Leadership Council
2021-2022 Members
Franklin Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council
Caitlin Austin |
Jolie Engelau |
Madelyn McCullough |
Brady Schmidt |
Taylor Trueblood |
Brandon Beaman |
Shelby Gill |
Ella McGuinness |
Riley Shaff |
Emma Williams |
Carter Breeden |
Jack Hart |
Will McGuinness |
Kinley Shoemaker |
Michael Wilson |
Kali Cadwell |
Morgan Harvey |
Jenna Newton |
Olivia Stone |
Maggie Woods |
Zoe Catlin |
Abbie Henderson |
Matthew Payne |
Emmaly Taylor |
Lizzi Worland |
Liam Clarke |
Lauren Klem |
Zachary Reese |
Amelia Tisdale |
Rose Yang |
Plan Commission
The Franklin City Plan Commission acts as an advisory Plan Commission to the City of Franklin Common Council. The duties of the Plan Commission are as follows.
- To initiate proposed amendments to the Franklin City Zoning Ordinance
- To review all proposed amendments to the Franklin City Zoning Ordinance and make recommendations to the Franklin City Council
- To review and make findings on development plans for subdivisions, commercial structures, industrial structures, planned unit developments, and other similar plans for all proposed developments within the Commission's jurisdiction
- To review and revise the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision regulations, and other land use regulations to keep them up to date
- To render interpretations of the Zoning Ordinance as may be necessary from time to time
Franklin City Plan Commission information as established in Indiana Code 36-7-4-207 & 36-7-4-214, in conjunction with the Franklin City Zoning Ordinance, Article 2.3 "Plan Commission Duties & Powers"
Beeson Hall
Beeson Hall is the premier location for your next catered special event. It is located on the southwest corner of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Center, 396 Branigin Blvd., Franklin.
The hall offers 5,000 square feet of space for catered wedding receptions, business meetings, corporate parties, educational meetings, anniversary celebrations, or your other special event. The hall will accommodate 220 with a dance floor, 250 without a dance floor, or 350 seated lecture style guests.
The hall has a beautiful wooden floor for dancing, food service area and a special location for DJ.
Beeson Hall is conveniently located on the southeast side of Franklin, adjacent to Franklin College, the Indiana Masonic Home, Johnson County Library, Franklin Family Aquatic Center and historic Province Park. It is easily accessible to downtown and surrounding Franklin churches..
- Beeson Hall rentals allow customers to arrange for food options of their choice or you can bring in your own food.
- Rental fee is $150 per hour plus 7% Indiana sales tax ($200 Fri-Sun) with no minimum or maximum rental time. Set up and tear down time must be included within the rental time. Any event occurring after the Recreation Center is closed will be charged an additional $25 per hour for an After Hours Supervisor. Use of the Beeson Hall kitchen is included in the rental price.
- Any event serving alcohol must hire a licensed security professional (off-duty police officer) to be on-site during serving times. Cost is to be the sole responsibility of the renter.
- Caterers will be required to meet the City of Franklin insurance requirements, State of Indiana alcohol catering license requirements (if serving alcohol) and be approved prior to events in Beeson Hall.
You can book Beeson Hall online here

Full-Time School Resource Officer
The Franklin Police Department has a full-time School Resource Officer, Ofc. Mary Helms. Helms is a sworn officer assigned to the schools on a long-term basis. All Resource Officers are trained to maintain a safe and secure environment for the schools. It is essential for a SRO to endorse high moral standards and use good judgement and discretion. Through this, students learn and understand what a professional police officer does.
Technical Review Committee
The City of Franklin Technical Review Committee provides advice to the Plan Commission on issues requiring technical expertise. The Technical Review Committee evaluates technical aspects related to the following:
- subdivision proposals
- construction in flood hazard areas
- landscaping
- drainage
- waste disposal
- erosion control
- traffic impacts
Site Development Plan Review Applications can be submitted online through the Citizen Services ePermitting Portal. The fee is $400 plus $10 per acre.
Our Purpose
The Storm Water Management Utility is tasked with providing the safe, economical, and efficient management and protection of the City of Franklin's storm water conveyance system to our receiving waters.
What we do
The Storm Water Utility provides comprehensive and integrated management of Franklin's storm water infrastructure through best management practices in storm water management. The Utility is responsible for the implementation of the Municipal Separated Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program mandated by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM).
What is an MS4?
MS4 stands for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. An MS4 community owns or operates a system for collecting and conveying storm water. Regulated conveyance systems include roads with drains, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, storm drains, piping, channels, ditches, tunnels and conduits. It does not include combined sewer overflows and publicly owned treatment works.
MS4 is an unfunded, federally mandated program that requires municipalities to take measures to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff to improve water quality. The state requires the City of Franklin to comply with this rule (327 IAC 15-13).
The MS4 is permitted under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program through the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). MS4 permits are granted in five-year cycles at the end of which the permit must be renewed.
Visit these websites for more information.
Johnson County Partnership for Water Quality (JCPWQ) website
Johnson County Recycling District (SWMD) website
Johnson County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) website
What is a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP)?
The SWQMP is divided into three distinct components. The first part of the SWQMP is Part A or the initial application. Part A includes a general budget sheet used to indicate to the State that a budget allocation has been made to the MS4 Program.
Part B is the Baseline Characterization. The MS4 Operator provides in the Part B information on the characterization of known water quality of all waters that receive storm water outfall discharges within the MS4 area.
The third component is the Implementation Plan and is designated as Part C. Part C is the working document that outlines the priorities, goals, and implementation strategies that the MS4 will utilize to improve water quality. It is expected that this document will change as issues are solved, best management practices are utilized, and technology improvements are developed.
Here you will find the City of Franklin's SWQMP:
There are six components to the MS4 Program:
Public Involvement and Participation
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Construction Site Runoff Control
Post-Construction Storm Water Management
Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping at Municipal Operations
Project Wet - Discover Water - The Role of Water in Our Lives
Construction Site Stormwater BMPs

Lt. Tennell is responsible for all General and Special Investigations. He coordinates the activities and case loads of each detective. Lt. Tennell is responsible for 5 Criminal Investigators, 3 Special Investigators and 1 Evidence Technician.
Detectives with the Franklin Police Department are assigned to work all types of cases, but are individually trained in certain areas of specialization. Detectives go through in-house training with a senior detective as a mentor. They handle a broad spectrum of cases from theft, burglary, robbery, sex crimes, battery, death investigations, homicides, domestic violence, etc.
Special Investigators with the Franklin Police department primarily investigate narcotics. They work closely with the Johnson County Sheriffs Department and Greenwood Police Department. Members of the FPD Special Investigations have been responsible for taking more then 350 drug dealers off of the streets since 2015.
Have information on a crime? Call the Tip Line: 317.346.1100
Dog Park
Members may visit the Province Park Dog Park during regular park hours, from dawn to dusk. An annual dog park membership consists of a collar tag for each dog and a gate access card for the owner. The collar tag must be visible on the dog while using the off leash zone. The tag for each dog is $40 per dog, per tag. Additional dog tag is $15. Only one gate access card is allowed per household.
Fire Merit Commission
- the growth and development of skills and abilities
- loyalty and cooperation
- devotion to duty
- meritorious behavior
Franklin Fire Merit Commission Current Members:
Police Merit Commission
- John Shafer, President, Republican, City Council Appointment
- Joe Allen, Democrat, Officer's Appointment
- Joey Hollis, Republican, Officer's Appointment
- Mari Lory, Independent, Mayoral Appointment
- Les Tabeling, Independent, Mayoral Appointment
- William Barrett, Commission Attorney
Street Department
The Franklin Street Department provides a variety of services in overseeing the City's infrastructure. The Department maintains and repairs streets, alleys, curbs and sidewalks. A street sweeping program that includes cleaning catch basins and storm drains as-well-as a mosquito monitoring and spraying program. Our on-staff certified arborists properly maintain and oversee the City's tree inventory to include chipping of brush and limbs. During the winter months, Department staff is responsible for pre-treating, salting or plowing of roads and streets as weather events dictate.
The City of Franklin's zoning is divided into 17 different districts. The zoning of a property may be found by accessing the Beacon GIS Map. A copy of the development standards and permitted uses may be found in the City of Franklin Zoning Ordinance.
DriveHubler.com Amphitheater
2025 Summer Concert Series!
Join us at the DriveHubler.com Amphitheater at Youngs Creek Park for our 2025 Summer Concert Series!
It's not too late to become a sponsor!
Technology Advisory Council
Bruce Barnett
- What is the cost to obtain or re-new a handgun permit? Must reside within the city limits of Franklin. Click here for current fee schedule.
- What is the cost of a copy of an accident or incident report? Accident report - $5 | Incident report - $.10/pp
- What is the cost of a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) inspection? $5 - Inspection needed when vehicle title purchased out-of-state.
- What is the cost of fingerprinting services for a job application or other purpose? $5
- What is the cost to obtain a Limited Criminal History (Background Check)? $7
- How do I pay these fees? Cash, Money Order or Debit/Credit Card. Debit/Credit Cards will be assessed a small fee.
*The Franklin Police Department cannot answer questions or accept fines or fees for Franklin City Court. The Franklin City Court staff can be reached by calling (317)736-3619.
Facility Reservations

Utility Billing Office
The Sewer Utility Office coordinates sewer utility billing for the City of Franklin.
Customers: Do Not Use Doxo To Pay Your Bill
It has come to our attention that some customers may have tried using an online vendor named Doxo in an attempt to pay their bills. We would like to remind all customers that we are not affiliated with Doxo and this vendor is not authorized to take online payments for us. Do not use this service.
We don’t receive payments from Doxo and customers who’ve mistakenly paid their bill with this vendor could unfortunately acquire late fees since there is no record of payment on their account.
Customers must use the following payment methods to ensure their payments are received:
By mail. You can send your check to the address listed on your monthly bill.
By phone
Should you have any questions about your bill, please contact our office at (888) 736-3640
Economic Development Commission
Economic Development Initiatives
Economic Development efforts for the City of Franklin are coordinated by the City's Community Development Department.
Josh DeArmitt- President
Shawn Taylor- Vice President
Eric Leugers-Secretary
H. Lee Hodgen
Economic Incentives Overview
Within the state of Indiana, several economic incentives are allowed to be considered to assist companies with either locating to Franklin or expanding their existing businesses. These economic incentives include economic development revenue bonds, tax increment financing (TIF), lease/purchase agreements, and tax abatements. When considering a request for any economic incentives, the Economic Development Commission and City Council will consult the criteria outlined for tax abatement requests according to Indiana Code and all requirements of Indiana law.
Tax Abatements:
A tax abatement is a temporary relief of the tax burden on eligible projects in specific areas. Generally, tax abatement is used (1) as an economic inducement for directed development; (2) to increase the eventual tax base for all government units; (3) to diversify the economy and employment; and (4) to increase non-property tax income to some government units.
Both real property and personal property (manufacturing equipment) are eligible for tax abatement under Indiana law. In order to receive abatement, the real property must be either an industrial, commercial, or one of three types of housing development projects. Eligible housing projects include senior citizen housing, housing for the disabled, and housing benefiting low or moderate income populations. Taxes on land and used machinery not new to the State of Indiana are not eligible for tax abatement.
During the first year of the abatement period, 100% of the increase in the evaluation of abateable property in the development area is abated. Thereafter, the percentage of the abatement declines annually according to the schedules established by Indiana law.
Click here for a tax abatement application.
The Vacant Building Tax Abatement Program is available for buildings that (1) are zoned commercial or industrial; (2) is unoccupied for at least one year before the owner of the building or a tenant of the owner occupies the building, as evidenced by a valid certificate of occupancy, paid utility receipts, executed lease agreements, or any other evidence of occupation that the department of local government finance required.
The deduction is 100% of the assessed value of the building for up to three years. City Council can limit the dollar amount of the deduction to less than this amount if they choose. The vacant building deduction is specifically limited to real estate improvements; therefore personal property can also be abated.
These types of bonds are generally tax-exempt bonds with low rates of interest. The bonds may be used to finance economic development projects such as industrial facilities or multifamily housing complexes.
The use of economic development revenue bonds entails the city acting as a conduit for a) the endorsement of the project, and b) authorization for the respective company to issue the bonds. These endorsements by the City do not in any way abate, expend, or forgive any tax dollars.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF):
A TIF involves utilizing additional property tax revenue from private development within a designated area for financing public improvements. The public improvements financed by the TIF are needed to induce new development or are necessitated by new development.
Lease & Purchase Agreements:
A Lease & Purchase Agreement allows a city through its Redevelopment Commission and Authority to purchase real and personal property for an economic development project which is then leased or purchased by the project owner.
Historic Tax Credits:Income tax credits are the principal governmental subsidy available for privately owned and funded historic preservation activities. Both the federal government and the State of Indiana offer a Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit (RITC) equaling 20% of rehabilitation costs for qualified work at income-producing properties that are certified historic buildings. A net subsidy equaling 40% of qualified rehabilitation costs may be yielded by participation in both programs. Again, eligible properties include commercial buildings, factories, or even old houses but they must be income producing, such as rental properties. Owner-occupied private residences are eligible only for the Indiana Residential Historic Rehabilitation Credit (RHRC). For further information and regulations, please contact DNR - Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology at (317) 232-4300 or www.in.gov/dnr/historic/.
Franklin Chamber of Commerce: www.franklincoc.com
Discover Downtown Franklin: www.DiscoverDowntownFranklin.com
Johnson County Public Library: http://www.pageafterpage.org/johnson-county-community-information/
Franklin Family Aquatic Center
2024 Opening Day - Saturday, May 18
Purchase your summer pool pass here!
Hours of Operation
May 18 - August 5
Daily, 11:00am to 6:00pm
August 10 - Sept 1
Sat & Sun, 11:00am to 6:00pm
Sept 2 - Labor Day
Mon, 11:00am to 6:00pm
Daily Admission Prices
Infant (0-2) $2 *Includes FREE swim diaper
Youth (3-17) $6
Adult (18-64) $7
Senior (65+) $5
Military $5
Group (20+) $5
4-6 pm Twilight $2
Splash Cards
10-visit Splash Cards are on sale now for $50
Summer Pool Pass - $75 / per person
Summer Pool Pass includes access to the Franklin Family Aquatic Center from Opening Day, May 18 until closing day, Sept 2. As an extra bonus, summer pool pass holders also can enter the facility 15 minutes prior to opening (10:45am) to have early access to pool lounge chairs and prime shade spots!
Family Summer Pool Pass DEAL
Buy 2 summer pool passes, get the 3rd summer pool pass for $30 and get the 4th summer pool pass FREE! That's $180 for a family of 4. That's savings of $120!
FREE! Family Swims - Thursdays, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
May 30
June 6
June 13
June 20
June 27
July 11
July 18
July 25
August 1
Redevelopment Commission
2025 Redevelopment Commission Members:
Richard Wertz, President
Anne McGuiness, Vice-President
BJ Deppe, Secretary
Josh Prine
Paul Buening
Kristi Ott (School Board Representative: Non-Voting Member)
The Redevelopment Commission meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall - 70 E. Monroe Street.
The duties and powers of the Redevelopment Commission are regulated by Indiana Code 36-7-14.
To view the 2024 Tax Impact Analysis on Other Taxing Units, click here.
To watch a video explaining how TIF works in Indiana, click here.
Wastewater Treatment Plant
The City of Franklin Department of Public Works manages the city's wastewater treatment plant, which has been recognized with various awards for operational efficiency over the past several decades.
Uniform Division
City Master Plans
Here is a list of current City plans for Franklin, IN:
Kickapoo Kids Camp
Kickapoo Kids Camp is full for the summer. Check back for more information about the 2026 camps.
With any questions, or to be added to the 2026 email list, contact Courtney Bohling at cbohling@franklin.in.gov.
Park Board
Debbie Gill
Michelle Graham
Dr. John Shafer
Michelle Stringer
Public Art Advisory Commission
The Commission has created a list of local artists and their contacts. To be added to this list, please download this document and email to dmonson@franklin.in.gov.
A copy of the current list of local artists can be found HERE.
The Commission is now accepting applications from artists for artwork for the 2025 banner art series. Please download this document and email to dmonson@franklin.in.gov
2022 Public Arts Advisory Commission Members:
Ken Kosky, President
Joshua Hendrickson, Vice-President
Holly Johnston, Secretary
Chrissy Robertson
Dave Windisch
Vickie Noblitt
Greg Potter
Danny Causey
Christy Raney
Nick Crisafulli
Barry Barnes
Krista Linke, Community Development Director
Alex Getchell, Senior Planner 1
Dana Monson, Community Development Specialist
The Public Art Advisory Commission meets on the second Thursday of the month at 8:00 a.m. at City Hall, 70 E. Monroe St., Franklin, IN 46131.
ATTENTION: Construction will be occurring on our trail system from Forsythe Street to Needham. Please use extra caution.
Click here to view interactive map

View and register for classes here!
Aqua 2.0 is not a traditional aqua class. We use a variety of equipment like kickboards, aqua gloves, dumbbells, Frisbees, bands, noodles, and the pool wall to get the heart pumping and tone your muscles. If you're ready for a unique workout and love water, this class is for you! Ages: 16 & Up
$60 for Tuesday/Thursday Sessions or $35 for Sunday Only Sessions
$10 Early Registration Discount (Prior Month)
50% Mid-Session Discount (After 15th of the Month)
Welcome to CycleFit! Indoor cycling classes provide workouts that burn calories and improve endurance and strength. During a Franklin Recreation Center typical class, various scenarios of stationary bicycle pedal resistance, pedal speed, and simulated terrain are utilized to increase the intensity of your workout. At all times, you CycleFit as fast or as slow as you want- whatever is best suited to you! The experienced instructor will begin by sizing you up on a stationary bike, then leading the class for 45 minutes duration with the goal of you leaving the class thinking "That was a great workout! Ages: 13 & Up
$30 per Monthly Sessions
$10 Early Registration Discount (Prior Month)
50% Mid-Session Discount (After 15th of the Month)
Learn to utilize your lunch hour to rest your mind and body for the busy afternoon ahead. Instead of heading out to lunch, grab the work clan and recharge with a PiYo class. This 45-minute workout will use balls, bands, light weights, the wall, and bodily resistance to strengthen, lengthen, and stretch your muscles. You'll leave feeling like a newer, improved version of yourself! Come join us on Fridays for this powerful class.
$30 per Monthly Sessions
$10 Early Registration Discount (Prior Month)
50% Mid-Session Discount (After 15th of the Month)
A fitness program geared toward Baby Boomers, persons over 50, and those with limited mobility. This class takes Basic Zumba to a lower intensity level and can be achieved by standing or sitting. It improves muscle strength, posture, mobility, coordination, and mental health. It can also reduce risks of cardiovascular and the progression of other chronic diseases. It's exhilarating, easy, effective, safe, social, at a level attainable by most, and tons of fun! Ages: 50 & Up
$50 per Monthly Sessions
$10 Early Registration Discount (Prior Month)
50% Mid-Session Discount (After 15th of the Month)
Ever wish you could have the best of both worlds in fitness without signing up for multiple classes? Well, now you can! With Total Body Reset, there will be five classes per week that focus on building cardiovascular endurance, increasing lean muscle mass, and decreasing body fat. This will be achieved by using multiple class formats and a wide variety of equipment. Classes will include, but are not limited to, step, Bosu, Pilates, weights, body bars, stability, medicine balls, and bodily resistance. Come "Reset" with us and get in the best shape ever in 2024! Ages: 13 & Up
$60 per Monthly Sessions
$10 Early Registration Discount (Prior Month)
50% Mid-Session Discount (After 15th of the Month)
Combines the use of lightweight toning sticks with Latin rhythms and simple basic core Zumba moves. It is specifically geared to improve muscle strength and coordination along with balance. 2lb toning sticks are provided to combine both cardio and resistance, making this total body workout easy, and effective for all.
$30 per Monthly Sessions
$10 Early Registration Discount (Prior Month)
50% Mid-Session Discount (After 15th of the Month)
See our facilities calendar for the various class times and locations.
For more info, contact Alfonso Andolz at aandolz@franklin.in.gov.
Recreation & Fitness Center
Tuesday/Friday: Pickleball 9-11am
We have a variety of cardiovascular equipment including a Stair Climber, punching bag, Pro-Power weight lifting equipment, treadmills, and free weights in our Fitness Center. You must be at least 14 years of age to qualify for a fitness center membership. Individuals under 18 must have a consent form signed by a parent/guardian. Membership is valid for one year from date of purchase. A valid facility membership is required to purchase a fitness center membership. Fitness Center orientations are available.
If you are interested in participating in pick up basketball on Monday nights at the Boys and Girls Club, please follow our Facebook group. Every Monday, a message will be sent out to get 10-23 players. The first 23 members who confirm they are going will meet at the Boys and Girls Club by 8pm. Cost: $2/per player
Our Town Players
Pre-Sale tickets may be purchased at the Recreation Center. .Get more info about Our Town Players on their Facebook page!
Tree Advisory Committee
Richard Wertz - President
Kathy Thomas
Meg Jones
Joanne Cummings
Dana Marietta
Ryan Brutus
Recent News
- We Are Hiring!
- BZA Agenda 03/05/2025 CANCELEDMarch 5, 2025 | CANCELED
- Homeowner Repair Grants
- BZA Agenda 02/05/2025 CANCELEDFebruary 5, 2025 | 6:00PM
- RDC Agenda Special Meeting 01-29-25SPECIAL MEETING January 29, 2025 | 8:00AM Executive Session at 8:00AM with Public Meeting Immediately Followi...
Related Pages
- 2025 Rental Prices
- City Council Adopts New Wastewater Utility Rates
- 2024 Tax Impact Analysis on Other Taxing Units
- 2025 Solid Waste & Recycling Pickup Schedule
- December 2023 Park Board Reports
- January 2024 Active Adult Center Newsletter
- Park Board Reports - November 2023
- Park Board Reports - October 2023
- September Park Board Reports 2023
Upcoming Events
- Board of Zoning Appeals04/02/256:00 pm - 11:59 pm
- Board of Public Works and Safety04/07/255:00 pm - 11:59 pm
- Common Council Meeting04/07/256:00 pm - 11:59 pm
- Public Arts Advisory Commission04/10/258:00 am - 9:00 am
- Redevelopment Commission Meeting04/15/258:00 am - 11:59 pm
Contact Us
- Phone: (317) 736-3602
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday-Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Staff Directory
- Hours: The City Council meets the first and third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public, and held in City Hall, located at 70 E. Monroe Street.
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: (317) 736-3609
- Fax:
(317) 736-7244 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Contact Us
Director of Community Development
- Business: (877) 736-3631
- Business Fax:
(317) 736-5310 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday - Friday
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Business: (888) 736-3650
- Business Fax:
(317) 346-9885 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Contact Us
Director of Parks and Recreation
Franklin, IN 46131
- Business: (317) 736-3689
- Business Fax:
(317) 736-6200 - Staff Directory
- Hours: M-R: 5:30am-8pm
F: 5:30am-7pm
Sat: 8am-5pm
Sun: 12pm-5pm
Contact Us
City Engineer
Franklin, IN 46131
- Business: (877) 736-3631
- Fax:
(317) 736-5310 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday - Friday
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: (317) 736-3670
- Other: (317) 346-1100
- Fax:
(317) 736-6840 - Other: (317) 346-6336
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Lobby Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8AM - 4PM
Closed Saturday, Sunday, Legal Holidays
***Airlock entryway/vestibule is open 24/7 for police/fire/emergency services***
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
Contact Us

Director of Operations
Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: (317) 736-3680
- Fax:
(317) 736-6854 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: (317) 736-3619
- Fax:
(317) 346-9880 - Staff Directory
- Hours: Cashier available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Contact Us
Contact Us
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
Contact Us
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Business: (877) 736-3631
- Fax:
(317) 736-5310 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Contact Us
Director of Parks and Recreation
Contact Us
Assistant Superintendent
Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: (317) 736-3696
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am - 3pm
Contact Us

Facilities and Events Coordinator
Franklin, IN 46131
Contact Us
Contact Us

Facilities and Events Coordinator
Contact Us
Aquatics Director
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Director of Parks and Recreation
Contact Us
Assistant Superintendent
Contact Us
Contact Us
Assistant Superintendent
Franklin, IN 46131
- Staff Directory
- Hours: M-R: 5:30am-8pm
F: 5:30am-7pm
Sat: 8am-5pm
Sun: 12pm-5pm
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 - 4:00 Mon - Fri
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. M-F
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Business: (317) 736-3631
- Business Fax:
(317) 736-5310 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Business: (317) 736-3660
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM
Closed Saturday, Sunday, Legal Holidays
Contact Us
Billing Manager
Franklin, IN 46131
- Business: (888) 736-3640
- Business Fax:
(317) 736-6709 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Street Commissioner
Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: (317) 736-3660
- Fax:
(317) 346-9881 - Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 3:00 pm
Contact Us
Wastewater Superintendent
Franklin, IN 46131
- Business: (888) 736-3640
- Business Fax:
(317) 736-6709 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Franklin, IN 46131
- Business: (317) 736-3602
- Staff Directory
- Hours: The Board of Public Works and Safety meets the first and third Monday of each month, at 5:00 p.m. Meetings are held in City Hall, 70 E. Monroe Street
Contact Us
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Contact Us
Contact Us
MS4 Coordinator
Franklin, IN 46131
Contact Us
Contact Us

Recreation Coordinator
Contact Us
Director of Parks and Recreation
- Staff Directory
- Hours: M-R: 5:30am-8pm F: 5:30am-7pm Sat: 8am-5pm Sun: 12pm-5pm
Contact Us
Contact Us
Community Development Specialist
Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: (317) 736-3631
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Contact Us
Director of Parks and Recreation
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Spray Park Open 10am-Dusk
Contact Us
Director of Parks and Recreation