

The primary function of the Clerk-Treasurer, a four-year elected official, is to serve as the fiscal officer of the City of Franklin. The Clerk-Treasurer processes the receipts and expenditures of all City money; prescribes the payroll for the City; determines the manner in which vendors, officers, and employees are paid; manages the City financial accounts; makes all investments on behalf of the City; prepares the budget estimates of revenue, financial statements and the proposed tax rate; manages all City records; serves as the Clerk of the City Council and Board of Public Works and Safety by preparing agendas, recording proceedings and maintaining custody of records.

Gateway is the primary collection and publishing tool for local government units submitting their required reports to the State of Indiana. It has the benefits of a digital collection into a robust data warehouse and immediate accessibility to taxpayers.

The Indiana Department of Local Government Finance is the State authority on property tax and local government. To learn more about the budget process, visit the Department’s website at